Den Röda Ulv
Volvox & Alkymistens Order of Knighthood
Den Röda Ulv (The Red Wolf) is V&A’s highest distinction, and to be knighted you must have put in an effort and excelled far beyond what can be expected. The order of knighthood also functions as an exemplary source of knowledge and advice for the association's members, and therefore has an additional function alongside pure recognition.
New knighthoods are announced at the annual “Krabbefesten” in February, and in advance of the Krabbefesten, the knighthood nomination is submitted to Den Röda Ulv’s Selection Committee. Here, the Grand Master of the Order considers the nominations together with his council, consisting of a first class member and a member of the current Executive Board.
Everyone has the opportunity to submit knight nominations, but it is not possible to nominate yourself, a non-member, or a person from the sitting Executive Board. Nominations cannot be submitted anonymously, but will be treated confidentially. The deadlines for submitting nominations are normally announced in January.
Den Röda Ulv’s Order Handbook (only Norwegian) contains, among other things, more information about nomination requirements and nomination tips. It also contains all other information about the Order's organization and history.
During the Order's history, 38 people have been found worthy, and a complete list of all knights and their achievements can be found in the Book of Knights (only Norwegian).
The history
The Röda Ulv was first awarded in the summer of 1961 at the Hambåra field station, not too far from Slettvik. The students slept in 15-person rooms, and it so happened that one of them had with him a can of Swedish sour herring from the brand "Röda Ulven".
This box was opened in the 15-person room, and the characteristic aroma spread to everyone. An assistant teacher by the name of Arnfinn Skogen made the mistake of complaining about the smell, and even dared to claim that this was childish. As punishment for such an unheard-of claim, the students took the box with them and put it under the bed of this assistant teacher, who was sleeping in his own room, where the box was left overnight.
The following day, assistant teacher Arnfinn claimed that he had not noticed any particular odour inside his room, even though he was sleeping alone. In reaction to this, the students spontaneously named Arnfinn Skogen a knight of Den Röda Ulv.
Since then, the Order of the Knights has gone from being a humorous award to a prestigious award, and is today the line association's highest award.
The past five years the following people have been knighted:
No knightings
Thomas Walmsley
Eivind Steiro Berg-Hanssen
Ingvild Sandvin Groven
Mikkel Emil Lange Friis
Ola Solli Grønningsæter
No knightings
Vegard Myhre