Opening hours
The office is open every weekday from the beginning of the semester to the exam period. There is always free coffee and tea! There is usually a member of the board present during opening hours, but the office is often open outside of the opening hours.
Monday 10.00 - 14:00
Tuesday 10.00 - 14:00
Wednesday 10.00 - 14:00
Thursday 10.00 - 14:00
Friday 10.00 - 14:00
Office culture
Here are a few things you should know before hanging out at the office:
Everyone who stays in the office has a joint responsibility for keeping the space clean, neat and tidy
The last person leaving is responsible for closing the door
If the hot water/coffee thermos is empty, leave the pump down, and if it is full leave it up see: The Coffee Treaty at the office
Members can reserve the office after 18:00. It may be reserved before 18:00, but this must be communicated properly.
The backroom of the office is a storage room only the board has access too. If you find it to be open and unguarded, please lock the room and notify the board at
It is not permitted to enjoy alcohol in the office without permission. If you want permission this can be arranged through our leader at:
A complete version of the office-guidelines (norwegian) can be found here: Retningslinjer for bruk av linjeforeningskontoret (pdf)
Booking the office
It is possible to book the office if you are a member, subgroup or committee.
You can find more info in the booking form!