
A to Z


Akademika is the bookstore on campus that sells curriculum and many other handy things. It is located in the central building, right above the canteen. PS! Akademika takes the idiom “Knowledge is gold” literally.

Alkymisten is the student organization for chemistry that was founded October 19th 1972.

Alkymistens Conseil is the Ridder av den Röda Ulv/Knight of the Red Wolf (see own definition) unceremonius counterpart. Up to two lucky Volvoxianers and Alkymists will each Krabbefest be appointed a biological, chemical or biotechnological title if they have distinguished themselves, in a fortunate or unfortunate manner, over a shorter or longer time period, in a way that earns them this honor. An example of this behaviour is burning your leggings off using hand sanitizer.

Alumni are the old people who miracolously have managed to survive the long way through “kok” and efforts to acquire the title Bachelor/Master og Science.

Arrkom (Arrangementskomiteen) or the events comittee is V&As fantastic committee that arranges all the partys and larger events for the student organization.

Allsidighet is one of the subgroups in V&A that arranges versatile sports-related events.


Bachelor and Master of Science are titles you can carry after years of panicked exam-revision accompanied by occasional crying therapy.

Bedriftspresentasjoner or company presentations are arranged by the “bedriftskomite”. Here you have the oppurtunity to get to know companies that are relevant for your specific education. You can often also get free fillings for your stomach, a saving-tip every seasoned student should know.

Bedkom (Bedriftskomiteen) or the business comittee is the amazing committee in V&A that arranges company presentations and the career day VIVO.

Bodegaen is Samfundets sweaty basement-party, filled with stripper poles, typical club-music and flashing disco-lights. What it is most known for is students wild chase for a partner for the night, especially nearing closing time. Must be experienced at least once!

Bumble Beats is one of the student organizations great bands that play on many different V&A events.

Boksalg - Volvox & Alkymisten is the student organizations facebook-group where you can buy used books for cheap. is also recommended for this.


Campus (Gløshaugen) is where it happens as a student, both lectures, lab, group work and social activities.

Cibus is the student organization for food science, technology and sustainability, and the adopted child of V&A.

Ctrl+F is a hotkey for searching in dokuments and websites, and your good friend when it comes to writing assignments.


Datasalene or the computer-labs are handy to have access to. With your student card in hand you can unlock the door and throw yourself in to cyberspace. A handy tip is to save often during repport-writing…

Delta is our crush, the student organization for physics and mathematics.

Den Röda Ulv is a knight-order that has roots going back to the beginning of the ancient Volvox student organization. Den Röda Ulv shows up at every krabbefest where new members to the order can be appointet if any are worthy. To be knighted, there are demands for doing something extraordinary or special in the student organization.

Det viktigste er å elske hverandre! The most important thing is to love each other. One of V&A’s slogans.

Dragvoll is the campus for social studies at NTNU. It is located on the edge of the forest southeast of Moholt.


Engasjement or engagement is important. It can be smart to expand your experience beyond course credits. Therefore you should join one of the committees or the board in Volvox & Alkymisten! Studentpolitical organizations, UKA, ISFiT and Studentersamfundet are other places you can get engage yourself and get the same experience.


Faddere is something you get at the start of your first fall semester. They will be your guides to many of the good (and bad) sides of student life.

Fadderuka or the orientation week is two weeks at the start of your first semester where you are put in a “faddergruppe” and attend events that help you get to know your fellow students, the student organization and study life.

Feltkursene or the fieldcourses in “Floristikk og Faunistikk” gives you an amazing oppurtunity to get to know fellow students and the art to separate sedge from grass.


Gløshaugen is the campus for natural science at NTNU. Between the two main campuses (Dragvoll) there is some friendly and not-so-friendly teasing. Be careful not to pull too many Dragvoll-jokes when you’re out on the weekends, you can end up in an unfortunate situation.

Generalforsamling or General Assembly in Volvox & Alkymisten takes place in September. It is open for all members, and this is where you can use your membership to make a real difference.


Hedersmedlem or honorary members are members of the organization that have been central and important for the organization, the students or the study programs. They are pronounced at the “Julebord” together with “Æresmedlemmer”.

Hovedstyret or The Board consists of 10 awesome (if you ask them) students who run and have the main responsibility for the organization. They are always looking for new potential members and are more than happy to answer any question you may have.


Immatrikuleringsball (immball) or matriculation ball is your official welcome to the student organization. Look forward to it!

Institutt for biologi or the institute for biology organizes the biology classes. They have their office in room D1-105 in Realfagsbygget.

Institutt for bioteknologi is located between cheistry block 3 and 4 in Realfagsbygget.

Institutt for kjemi can be foung in D2 in Realfagsbygget.

ISFiT is the worlds largest international studentfestival and is held every other year. The next time is february 2025.

InVitro is every volvoxianer and alkymists main provider of ethanolcontaining liquids. This is brewed by V&As great (and a little tipsy) members. Join their next beer tasting, generous portions are rumored.


Julebordet or the christmas party is one of the highlights of the fall semester. It is a night filled with good times, good christmas food and good entertainment, so prepare your finest clothes.

Jonashølet or “The Jonas Hole” is the former hole in the offices leather sofa, named after its creator.


Kantina or the canteen is a natural gathering spot for students after long hours reading. The bright and pleasant canteen in Realfagsbygget is pretty much full from ten to two, monday to friday. Here you can meet friends over a cup of coffee, and maybe a slice of cake?

The Keytones is V&As other band that also plays and entertains during different events.

Kollokvier or colloquium is a smart way to ensure your course credits; get together in a group and discuss exiting courses. Discussions about especially irrelevant subjects are accepted with open arms.

Koking is a common way to be able to qualify for the exam and at the same time catch all the parties and important TV-shows. Copying, plagiarising and “can’t-be-bothered-to-do-it-myself-so-i’ll-just-copy-you” are other known names. Often used in the context of “øvinger”.

er en utbredt måte å kunne gå opp til eksamen og samtidig få med seg alle festene og alle de viktige TV-seriene. Kopiering, plagiat og “gidder-ikke-gjøre-det-selv-så-skriver-av-deg” er passende synonymer. Ofte benyttet i sammenheng med øvinger og LF (se egne punkter).

Kont is short for continuation exam. If you procrastinate a little too much during the semester you are allowed to return to NTNU in august and try again, woop woop!

Kontoret or the office is the best place for procrastinating and ensuring you don’t go crazy from isolation in the study halls. Here you can also get a free cup of coffee or read Nukleotidende. Kontoret is open for everyone and is always open weekdays from ten to two, where there always is one from the Board sitting there to talk or banter with.

Kontorkomiteen or the office committee arrange small and cosy events for the student organization, and sometimes waffles or cake outside of the office.

Krabbefesten, sometimes called just Krabbe, is the highlight of the spring semester. This is when the students of V&A retreat up to the Studenterhytta to consume a better shellfish dinner. Afterwards the party breaks out…


Labfrakk or labcoat is necessary if you have a lab course. They can be picked up in room DU4-103 in Realfagsbygget and are returned here after use in a lab course to be washed.

Løsningsforslag, often only called LF, is the answers for the “øving”. It is an important resource when “koking”, or double-checking your answers ;)

Ludøl is a game with a purpose of giving students a meaningful recreational activity. Since its origination at the old NTH it has entertained student until today.

Lånekassen is your saving grace. It gives you loan and stipend which makes it possible to get through and maybe even survive the student life. er din reddende hånd.


Marerittet or the nightmare is when you have forgotten to sign up for the exam. Don’t expect to be met with understanding at the exams office. Instead make sure you are signed up in time (September 15th and February 1st) at studentweb.

Medlem or member is when you have paid 250kr to V&A, this makes you a lifetime member! Sign uo through If you cant use vipps, email the Board at and they will help you out. You have to be a member to join a committee, vote during “Generalforsamlingen”, and you get discounted prices to most V&A events.

Mindre tøy, mere gøy; or Less clothes, more fun! another of V&As slogans. Often abided at V&A events and by V&A members in general.

Moholt is the largest student village in Trondheim. Here many of the international students live, and also where the student bars, “Kjellerne”, are located.


Nattforelesning or night lectures is any lecture before 12.

NTNU Summer Games is the name of NTNUs third exam-period which is held in week 32-33 before semester start. “Kont” is required to attend.

NTNUI is NTNU’s sports organization, and offers heaps of different sporty activities and several fitness centers for students.

NV-fakultetet or The Faculty of Natural Science contains several institutes, amongst others the institutes for biology, chemistry and biotechnology.

Nukleomedia is V&As mediacommittee. They are responsible for the magazine Nukleotidende, poster designs and our podcast Syntetisk.

Nukleotidende is V&A’s interal magazine. Her you can find anything from investigative journalism and interesting facts to gossip about the organization members. Last issue is always in “Kontoret”!

Nøkkelkort or keycard is your student card. With this you always have access to Realfagsbygget and the “Datalabs”. With this card you can also borrow books in the library.


Operon is the student organization for biotechnology at NTNU. It was established in 2024.

Oksidasjonen is the rebel newspaper of Volvox & Alkymisten, and the actual newspaper of V&A.

Oblig or obligatory excersizes are things you must do to be allowed to take your exam.


Prokrastinering or procrastination is every students favourite activity when they are supposed to be reading. Your room is never as clean as it is during the exam period… Can you watch the entire GoT series in two weeks?

Prokom is V&As newly established committee for website and social media.


Quiz is something you are going to get used to, if it is in a lecture, in the office, by the faculty or at Samfundet.


Realfagsbygget is the students second home. This is also where volvox & Alkymistens great office is located.

Realfagskjelleren is V&As “basement” or student bar at Moholt. We share it with three other student organizations. They have a lot of fun events spread throughout the school year.

Realfagsrevyen is a Revy/student show that V&A creates along with the student organization Delta. They have shows usually during March, and are always looking for new members.

Ridder av den Röda Ulv or Knight of the Red Wolf os something you can be knighted if you have done a great effort for Volvox & Alkymisten.

Romres is the service to reserve rooms at campus. Just open to book a room.

Rosenborg is the place where V&A members where staying before Realfagsbygget was built in 2000. Apparently also a famous football team.


Skap or lockers are handy to have. If you go down the stairs by R7there are many lockers with QR codes where you can reserve one for the school-year. Good if you need somewhere to put your labcoat or books.

SkeiV&A is a safe and inclusive group for all V&A members independent of gender and sexuality. Det viktigste er å elske hverandre/the most important thing is to love each other!

Spanskymisten is the shared handball team with V&A and Spanskrøret, another student organization. The team has regular training sessions and is open for all players, no matter your experience.

Studenterhytta is a student cabin in Bymarka. It is a nice destination for those who like to hike, but it also often used as a party venue (see “Krabbefest”).

Studentersamfundet is Trondheim-students party venue, rumors have it is Norways sickest party-house. Contains many different pubs and party rooms. You will most likely get to know the “Bodega” well.

Syntetisk is V&As newly started podcast. It is a project Nukleomedia long have tried to start, and it has finally become reality.


Trollkom is V&As great subgroup that drags you out into nature. Overview over future trips is at, their own facebook group and instagram page.


UKA is arranged every other October, is a huge festival here in Trondheim and the worlds largest cultural festival. Next time is October 2025. Hype!


V&A IL is V&A’s football team. They have regular training sessions when the weather allows it and play matches now and then.

Volvox is the student union for biology that was formed February 1st 1961.

Volvox & Alkymisten is the best student organization ever! It was formed when “Alkymisten” (chemistry) and “Volvox” (biology) joined forces Octover 5th 1998. is our fabulous website. Here you cand find almost all information you could ever need about V&A. You can also send in submissions to “Nukleotidende”s famous seen and heard segment.

VoKalium is V&A’s mixed choir open for all V&A songbirds, both crows and nightingales!


Wi-Fi på NTNU er Eduroam, med vekslende kvalitet. Drar du på andre campuser rundt om i verden vil du alltid ha tilgang, så lenge du er student.


X-amenslesinga or x-am reading seriously starts when the exam date is on the milk carton…

“Xanax and Chill”, a darker side of the student life for some, where stress and anxiety is handled with sedatives. Luckily there are also good offers for help from Sit.


Ytringsfrihet or freedom of speech. “Academic freedom of speech and understanding this is a part of the challenge…” - former principal of NTNU


Zzzzz…leep is something you are not going to get enough of as a student. Especially with 08:15 lectures in the fall semester.


Æresmedlemskap is an honorary membership that is awarded external people that have been important for the student organization, our students our study programs. They are awarded along with “Hedersmedlemmer” at the “Julebord”. You get a nice yellow ribbon.


Øvinger are homework that must be delivered once a week in most courses. You usually need a minimum amount of these approved to qualify for the exam, and “koking” is often used to achieve this.


Åre is the place in Sweden where we travel to go downhill skiing (also called: putting on ski gear and going to afterski parties) every January. Save some money from the January stipend and join!

Are there any words you are missing in this list?

Send them in through this form with a definition and we will add in to the website.