Documents and forms
Note: all forms and documents are in Norwegian.
By-laws are laws established by an organization to self regulate. They are in V&A adopted by the General Assembly. The Board of the association must comply with and enforce the by-laws during their day-to-day operations.
Refund form
Have you purchased anything on behalf of the student association? You can be refunded by submitting this form with documentation of the transaction within 14-days of purchase.
Driving refund
Has your car been used by the student association? To get refunded for the driving expenses you have to fill out this form. Deadline is 2 weeks after the driving was done.
Guidelines for board mebmers
Governing documents are guiding documents for the members of the Board which they must refer to when running the association. They are more descriprive than the by-laws and create a more complete picture of a positions expectations and duties.
Office access
Are you a member of V&A and want access to the office? You can apply to get access with your student card outside opening hours. It also gives you access to the kitchen in the NV corridor where there are kettles, microwaves and toasters.
Order: Posters and graphics
Does your group need a poster or graphic design, for example a new logo? Nukleomedia has very skilled graphic designers who are happy to fulfill your wishes, but allow plenty of time. Requests are submitted using the form below.
Office booking
Do you or your group want to book the office for social activities? All members of V&A have the opportunity to book the office weekdays after 6pm or at weekends. Complete this form and submit to book for your event.