Get involved!
In Volvox & Alkymisten it is possible to get involved in a lot of different ways!
In V&A, there are many different committees and subgroups that arrange a lot of fun activities throughout the semester! The committees have admissions every autumn and spring, while subgroups are open to new members at any time! The executive board is elected at V&A's general assembly early in the autumn semester.
Does V&A not offer anything of interest?
Get in touch with the subgroup or committee that is closest to your interests, and you can also always contact the Board. A new subgroup or committee can be formed with approval from the executive board, or if more than 30 or 50 active members require this, respectively. Read more in our by-laws (norwegian): vedtektene.
Does this sound interesting?
Membership is not required to participate in events or in subgroups, but it is required for admission to committees and elections to the board.